How to make money with Amazon affiliate

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You can earn at least 10% Amazon affiliate commission (depending on the product category) on each sale you make through your Amazon affiliate link. Let’s say you make 3000 sales in a month with an average price of $5;  you would earn at least 15,000USD at the end of the month.

Now, imagine, your income after 30 days if the average price of the products you promote with your Amazon affiliate link is $200. That is 60,000USD. With that, you can afford a vacation trip to the Bahamas and of course, pay your bills.

If making money with an Amazon affiliate sounds good to you, which prompts you to ask how do I become an affiliate marketer. This complete guide on how to start Amazon affiliate marketing is for you.

How to start affiliate marketing with Amazon is straightforward, all you need is the right knowledge on how to start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners, and you will get it here!

“How do I become an affiliate marketer” is one of the most trending search queries on Google. This shows many people want a piece of the big pie. Staying ahead of the learning curve will help you come out on top.

“How do I become an affiliate marketer” has a 40-million search volume in the US alone and 620 million number of searches globally.

How I become an affiliate marketer has many factors attached to it. First, you need to fulfil the Amazon affiliate eligibility criteria.

Amazon requirements to become an Amazon affiliate marketer

To become an Amazon affiliate marketer, you need to be eligible for the Amazon affiliate program. Below are the important requirements you need to meet before becoming an Amazon affiliate marketer.

  • Publishing platform validity and authenticity: The website or app you intend to use for your Amazon affiliate marketing ought to be live and contain original, high-quality content. The website or app must not contain sexually explicit content, or promote any obscene material. In addition, you cannot promote or participate in illegal activity aimed at children under the age of thirteen or collect their data. Using Amazon trademarks and the use of any other intellectual property rights are not allowed.
  • You have total control over your website: You have full control over the development, operation and maintenance of your website.
  • Transparency:  The Amazon affiliate program requires you to be transparent with your audience that your website or app is a participant of the Amazon affiliate program. In addition, you can’t hide your affiliate links, generate fake traffic, and use fake product reviews.
  • Amazon affiliate links on your site: The Amazon program requires effective cookies policies. This is necessary for tracking your affiliate links so that you can earn an Amazon affiliate commission for every successful sale.
  • Restrict promotions: Amazon does not permit engaging in promotional activities that are against its policy such as adding Amazon affiliate links to eBooks, email, private messages, and printed material.
  • Distribution of special links through software or devices: Amazon forbids using special links in any client-side software.

Those are the vital ones but you can read more on the Amazon affiliate program terms and conditions.

Pros and cons of becoming an affiliate marketer

Just like any other affiliate program, the Amazon affiliate program also has its pros and cons. However, its pros outweigh its cons.

  • Amazon affiliate successful website examples
  • Amazon links are popular and trustworthy
  • You have access to a wide range of products
  • Different modes of payments including direct bank
  • You can’t promote Amazon products via email marketing
  • Amazon affiliate commission rates are relatively low

After deciding to become an Amazon affiliate marketer, the next thing you want to do is learn how to start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners.

What is Amazon affiliate marketing?

The first step in learning how to start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners is to understand the concept of “Amazon affiliate marketing”.

Amazon affiliate marketing is the promotion of Amazon products by third parties through their unique Amazon affiliate link. For every successful sale through your affiliate link, you earn an Amazon affiliate commission.

The new Amazon affiliate commission rate is fixed and it varies from one product category to another.

Amazon affiliate marketing requires a website or an app. However, you can make money with an Amazon affiliate without a website or app with a qualifying social media platform.

Amazon Influencer Program

Amazon influencer program is specially designed for people that want to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website provided they have a qualifying social media platform.

If you are more interested in learning how to make money with an Amazon affiliate without a website with an Amazon influencer program, go to “how to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website”.

However, if you are here for the A to Z of making money with an Amazon affiliate, read on.

How to start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners

Starting affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners involves several steps. First, you need to sign up for the Amazon affiliate program- that is the easiest part.

There is an important part that comes before signing up, getting a publishing platform. You need a website or a mobile app to make money with an Amazon affiliate.

That being said, you can make money with an Amazon affiliate without a website through the Amazon influencer program. Amazon influencer program allows you to monetize your social media platform with Amazon affiliate.  You will learn more about this on how to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website.

For the conventional Amazon affiliate marketing through Amazon associates central, your website or URL must be live before signing up for the program.

You will learn how to create your first Amazon affiliate niche website in this article shortly if you don’t have a website.

Step by Step guide on how to start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners

Step #1

Find a niche: how to start Amazon affiliate marketing

Like any other brand strategy, for you to get customers with Amazon affiliate marketing, they need to be able to trust you enough to buy from you. You can achieve this by establishing yourself in a particular niche.

What is a niche? A niche is a sector of a broad market, unique in knowledge and it meets a specific need. Your niche is your speciality as an affiliate marketer.

Featuring random items will fail to convince the people that you can meet their needs. People will find it difficult to pinpoint what kind of site it is, and the website is less likely to achieve organic ranking on search engines. Therefore, focus on a passionate niche.

For example, WireCutter is an Amazon affiliate marketing website focused on providing reviews on various products.

So, how can you also find your own niche and start making money with Amazon affiliate marketing?

5 tips to find your niche and start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners

Convert your passion to your niche

Make your passion your niche. Let’s say you have a passion for food, you can start a food blog or food YouTube channel. This guarantees you one thing- you can’t run out of content and you will love to write or talk about it. That will ultimately help your Amazon affiliate marketing business. Besides, promoting products in the food category will come naturally.

You have an interest in learning about that niche

In case you don’t have a passion or your passion cannot link to products on Amazon, you can develop an interest to learn about a profitable niche. Expert affiliate marketers do not become expert affiliate marketers in one moment.

In fact, becoming an expert in Amazon affiliate marketer or any other affiliate program for that matter involves being well informed about the trends in that industry. Also, you can participate in events and learn consistently.

Even if your passion is your niche, you should also learn consistently to stay on top of the game.

Find a problem and willing to solve it

You will surely gain followers if you can give them insight into how they can solve a particular problem.

For instance, the affiliate marketing website-PCPARTPICKER was designed to help people to choose parts to build PC. This site excels in providing compatibility guidance and up-to-date pricing. PC Part Picker also publish the “build guides” for those who are unaware how to build the PC. 

The niche is profitable

The last thing you want to do is invest your time and effort in creating content only to discover that the niche is not good for business. Before you decide on a niche, search the niche on Google Trends to check the popularity of your niche. Also, consider market research reports as well as the search frequency of the topics in your niche. Those are niche profitability indicators.

The Amazon affiliate commission rates can also serve as your indicator. You can pick the product category with a relatively Amazon affiliate commission rate and learn more about it.

For instance, “Amazon games” has the highest Amazon affiliate commission rate with 20%. Besides, it has low competition. So, it is a win-win if you choose that niche.

The next step in how to start Amazon affiliate marketing for beginners is performing your keyword research.

Step #2

Do your keyword research: how to start Amazon affiliate marketing

Keyword research is an important aspect of how to start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners.

Performing keyword research helps you rank for some specific keywords that can improve the visibility of your website on search engines. So, you want to do this before learning how to create your first Amazon affiliate niche website.

Use Google Planner

You can use Google planner for your keyword research. From there you will see the low and high competitive keywords related to your niche.

Before you get to this stage, I want to assume you have a niche already.

For the sake of this article, the niche is Amazon games.

So, let’s find the perfect keywords for Amazon games. To get keyword ideas that can help you reach people interested in Amazon games go to Google planner.

From the Google keyword planner homepage click on “Discover New keywords.

Type Amazon games into the search box, and click on “Get results”. If you want to get results from another country, just click on the United States to change the location.

Below are the search results for Amazon games.

That is a whole lot of keyword ideas for the product category. Most of the keywords in this niche have a great search volume yet low competition. For instance, Prime gaming with up to a million search volumes in a month yet has low competition. That is how you investigate ranking keywords in your niche.

Step #3

Competitor analysis: How to start Amazon affiliate marketing

The next step in how to start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners is competition analysis. The essence of competitor analysis is to see how you can outdo your competitors.

To analyze your competitors, first, use Google or any search engine to find them. Let’s assume you want to promote products in the camera category. To check for your competitors, type something like the best camera for photography.

You can also check for ranking websites on other camera-related topics. The website that keeps appearing on the search results is your top competitor.

Here is the search result for “best camera for photography”.

From the search result, Techradar comes on top. Let’s analyze TechRadar.

You can use SEMrush to analyze your competitors.

Techradar has an authority score of 76%. It generates 26.1M organic traffic and 148.3M backlinks. From the analysis, TechRadar is an authoritative website and SEO friendly to the core including technical SEO with 94% crawlability. It can be hard to beat.

Techradar technical SEO analysis

However, TechRadar is not doing certain things. Techradar does not target the camera niche specifically. That can be an advantage for you. You can optimize your website to target the camera category specifically. It does not utilize paid traffic, just organic traffic.

In addition, you will need to invest in creating high-quality, SEO-friendly content, and generate enough backlinks to beat such a top competitor.

In addition, you should create content on topics your top competitors are yet to look into. It is an added advantage for you if a ranking website has poorly written content.

Backlinks are important for organic traffic. For instance, TechRadar has 5.4k backlinks for the best camera for beginners. That can do wonders for organic traffic. You can use the semrush backlink checker to check your competitor’s backlinks performance.

The primary way to get a backlink to an unpopular website is through guest posting. You can also gain backlinks without asking anyone for them when you produce statistics-related articles. People will want to refer to your well-detailed statistical article.

For example, an article on statistics of “people using canon compared to Nixon camera”. You can carry out the survey yourself for authenticity.

In fact, you can use such articles to build trust with your audience especially when you don’t have the resources yet, to buy products to review.

Part of competitor research is spying on your competitor’s content. How they create their content. You can spy, but you are not allowed to plagiarize.

You can outdo your competitors in the search engines by creating long-form content and improving the readability score of your content.

After finding your niche, performing keyword research and analyzing your competitors, the next step in how to start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners is content creation.

Step #4

Content creation: How to start Amazon affiliate marketing

Content creation is a core part of how to start Amazon affiliate marketing. Your content is the force that drives prospective customers to Amazon from your website. So, content creation comes before learning how to create your first Amazon affiliate niche website.

That’s because you want to start creating your content library immediately after you create your first Amazon niche website. Your content should be relevant to the product you want to promote. The content must be high-quality and plagiarism free.

You can take a clue from  Amazon affiliate marketing website-PCPARTPICKER .

The website domain name is SEO optimized for the PC part picker. PC part picker is an affiliate marketing website to help people build and purchase PC parts. It includes Amazon affiliate links to help the readers make a quick purchase.

A high-quality content library is important to make you stand out, build trust and credibility with your readers.

After creating the content, share the content to your social media platforms to gain traffic to your website. You can also promote your content through forum-based sites like Reddit and quora.

If you are too busy to create content, outsource your content writing to a professional writer. You can easily find one on freelancing websites like Upwork and Fiverr.

Most importantly, you need to invest heavily in SEO to make money with the Amazon affiliate. This includes on-site SEO (keywords ranking), off-site (backlinks) and technical SEO (make your website user-friendly)

Types of content you can create to make money with Amazon affiliate

  • Product reviews
  • Product comparisons
  • Blog content
Product reviews

What is product reviews: Product reviewing is simply reviewing a product, to help the reader understand the practical details of the product including the pros and cons. As a result, help them make the right purchase decision.

Examples of product reviews include “best large water barrels and tanks”, “best portable power bank” and “best no touch keychain tool”.

Source: The Prepared 

Showing proof that you have actually used the product you want to review helps with organic traffic. However, purchasing a product for review can be expensive, especially for a beginner.

You can instead do comprehensive research on the product(s) and read what consumers are saying about the products. Then use that information to provide an honest buying guide.

Product comparisons

Product comparison content is comparing two products, to enlighten the readers about the products- for example, hot brew vs cold brew.

Blog post

You can create blog posts around your niche and embed affiliate links within the content. The affiliate links should appear naturally in the article. Check the example below:

Source: wirecutter

As an Amazon affiliate, you can insert affiliate links into your blog posts. At the same time, provide value for your readers. Of course, your blog posts need to be well researched, highly informative and 100% original.

Most importantly, it needs to be SEO-friendly, to gain organic traffic.

Write more long-form content because articles longer than 1000 words tend to drive in lots of traffic. Moreover, you can use it to take advantage of long-tail keywords.

After creating a content library, the next step in how to start Amazon affiliate marketing is to learn how to create your first Amazon niche website and get an inch closer to start making money with the Amazon affiliate.

Step #5

How to create your first Amazon affiliate niche website: How to start Amazon affiliate marketing

Arguably, is the best blogging platform to create your first Amazon affiliate niche website. Use the content management system for Amazon niche websites just like these websites pcpartpicker, ThePrepared and Wirecutter.  

I also recommend BlueHost to start and grow your WordPress Amazon niche website.

You can use BlueHost with WordPress to build your first Amazon affiliate niche website.

Why I use WordPress to build my Amazon niche websites

  • It is the most cost-effective option to help me get started with Amazon affiliate marketing
  • The flexibility of the platform gives me control over every single aspect of the website
  • I have access to up to 54,000 plugins, apps and extensions for full customization of my websites
  • I don’t need to create a new theme. I can use any suitable theme from the numerous available themes.
  • Large community for support

Without further ado, below is a guide on how to create your first Amazon affiliate niche website.

Step-by-step guide on how to create your first Amazon affiliate niche website

Step 1: Pick a Domain name

The domain name is a unique name that defines your website- For example –“pcpartpicker” in, “theprepared” in

There is a difference between the domain name, domain and extension. An example of a domain is The domain name is pcpartpicker, and “com” is the extension. Therefore, a domain is the combination of domain name and extension.

Before choosing a domain name, determine your goals for the website.

Do you want to niche down or target a larger segment of the target audience?

For example, pcpartpicker is a “niche down” affiliate-marketing website. The website niche down to pc parts picker compared to TechRadar reviews different tech products including printers, cameras etc.

If you want to niche down, you can optimize your domain name for the product you are targeting like If you want to target a larger segment of the market, choose a general domain name like

Discussing smart TVs under a website domain like can be misleading. That is not good for your Amazon affiliate marketing business. You need to build credibility and trust to make money with Amazon affiliate.

Make sure your domain name is authoritative, relatable and unambiguous. You can get a free domain name with BlueHost.

Step 2: Choose a Webhost

A WebHost is the platform that hosts everything on your website. If the content management system you want to use, to create your first Amazon niche website is WordPress, then you would need to pick a webhost compatible with WordPress.

BlueHost comes on top for that. It offers very easy WordPress installation. They offer high-quality yet cheap WordPress hosting plans. They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, free domain name, free SSL certificate to improve security, and easy WordPress installation.

In addition, it offers enhanced cpanel to make it easier for beginners to use, and they have supportive and responsive customer care.

Step 3: Building your first Amazon niche website with BlueHost and WordPress

From BlueHost Click “start building”, to start building your first Amazon niche website with BlueHost and WordPress.

Choose a plan that meets your need, then start and grow your WordPress website with BlueHost.

For Amazon affiliate marketing, you can go with the content creation plan. After choosing your preferred plan, it takes you to a page to create your domain name. And you can create it later.

After creating your domain name, you can set up your BlueHost account.

After setting up your account, WordPress will be installed on your system automatically. You can then go ahead and build your WordPress website.

To find plugins for your Amazon niche WordPress website, go to

Essential plugins for your first Amazon affiliate marketing website


EasyAzon will help you control your Amazon affiliate links, in turn, help you make more affiliate Amazon commissions.

Yoast SEO

This plugin will help you optimize your content to achieve organic traffic even if you know nothing about SEO.

WP Review

WordPress review can help boost your conversion rates, Website Click through rate (CTR), and help improve search engine results.

Pretty link

Pretty Link is a WordPress plugin that helps you cloak your link, to make it look less spammy.

W3total cache plugin

You also need the W3total cache plugin to help you improve the speed and functionality of your website, hence, promoting a good user experience. Moreover, this will help improve your visibility on search engines.

Once your website is live and running, go to Amazon Associates central to participate in the Amazon affiliate program with your website. After setting up your account, get your affiliate link and integrate it into your content library, to start making money with Amazon affiliate. That takes us to step 6 on how to make money with Amazon affiliate for beginners.

Step 6

Become an Amazon affiliate program participant: How to start Amazon affiliate marketing

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to participate in the Amazon affiliate program and begin to earn Amazon affiliate commissions.

Step 1: Go to Amazon associates central

Step 2: Click on signup

From there, you can sign in with your existing Amazon account if you have existing Amazon account or create a new Amazon account.

It would be ideal to create a separate account for the affiliate marketing business if your existing account is a personal account.

That said, if your phone number is already linked to your personal account, you might be unable to open another account. To create a new Amazon account, click on “Create your Amazon account” and move to the next step.

Step 3: Fill in your information

Fill in your legal first and last name, input your valid email, and input a security password that can be difficult to crack, then click on “create your Amazon account”

After passing the “I’m not a robot test”, you will need to verify your email address with a One Time Password (OTP) sent to your email.

After verifying your mail, verify your mobile number in order to enhance your security. That is the reason it will be difficult for you to use a mobile number linked to your personal Amazon account to register for the Amazon affiliate program.

Add and verify your phone number.

An OTP will be sent to your phone as a text message, input the OTP and click on “create your Amazon account”.

Now, move to step 4

Step 4: Creating your Amazon Associates Account

This is where you fill in information pertaining to your Amazon affiliate program (four categories of information).

Starting with the Account information (where you fill in vital information about yourself including your name, address, state and country) follow by the website and mobile app list (register the platform you intend to use to make money with Amazon affiliate whether an app or website).

After filling that, you move to “profile”, and you end the registration with “start using Associates central”.

So, let’s start with the account information

In the account information, you will provide your Payee name. The “payee name” is your legal name- Amazon requires you to provide the exact name as it will appear on the cheque. Then provide your address, city, state, province or region. Input your postal code, choose your country and input your phone number (the verified phone number).

At the bottom of the page, immediately, after inputting your phone number, you will be asked to identify the owner of the account whether you or someone else.

Then click “Next” it takes you to the website and mobile list.

From there, you will register the publishing platform you intend to use to make money with the Amazon affiliate- website or mobile app URL.

Amazon allows you to add up to 50 websites or mobile apps.

If you don’t own a website or app, read on to learn how to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website or learn how to make money with an Amazon affiliate on Facebook.

After adding your website or mobile app, click “next”.

Tick “Yes or No” if the website or app is not targeted toward kids under three.

Respond appropriately to move to the next stage of the registration –“profile”.

On this page, you will fill in your “preferred Associates Store ID”. Your preferred store ID is a tracking ID that tracks your commissions. Choose something memorable like probably your site name or other short names.

Go ahead and fill in other information.

Describe the purpose of your website

When filling the “topics that best describe your website or app”- you can choose more than one topic – primary and secondary topic. The topics range from automobiles to travel/recreation. Choose the topics that best describe your niche.

Choose the types of Amazon products you intend to list on your publishing platform. You can select multiple items. The items range from books to Toys, Kids & Baby items.

Categorize your website or mobile app i.e., a blog, comparison shopping engine, coupons or deal website, or search- choose the one that best suit your website or mobile app. You can add more than two types. To add another category” that best describes your website or app “click on “add another type”

Choose from the available options “how you want to drive traffic to your websites”. The options vary from paid search to lead generation.

Then choose how you want to utilize your websites to generate income. If you intend to generate income with Amazon only, choose “Amazon Associates is the only way I monetize my site”.

The next information to provide is how you want to build links- through blog editor, content management system, HTML editor, or manually via text editor.

Complete other information and verify if you are human.

Tick the box to agree to the Amazon affiliate programs and click finish.

Once you click finish, it will take you to the final page of the registration– “start using associates central”.

From there, you can start using Amazon Associates Central to create Amazon affiliate links.

That takes us to the next and last step on how to start affiliate marketing with Amazon for beginners- how to create an Amazon affiliate link.

Step #7

How to create an Amazon affiliate link

You need your Amazon tracking ID to create an Affiliate link, which Amazon has prompted you to provide during the registration. After signing up, Amazon gives you a unique tracking ID, which normally ends with “-20”. the wire06- 20 is an example of an Amazon tracking ID.

You can integrate the Amazon tracking ID into any Amazon product URL to create an affiliate link.

Here is an example of an Amazon affiliate link

Use Stripe Tool

Instead of going to Amazon Associates central to create your affiliate links, you can use the swipe tool.

If you do not integrate your Amazon tracking ID with the Amazon product URL, you will not earn an Amazon affiliate commission. The good thing about making money with an Amazon affiliate is that you can earn Amazon affiliate commissions on all the purchases made through your Amazon affiliate link.

The stripe tool allows you to create links directly from Amazon without the need to visit Amazon associates central. The tool allows you to create Amazon affiliate links from the Amazon product page itself. Using sitestripe, you can create your affiliate links.

You can even use the tool to share affiliate links on any social media platform without the need to visit Amazon Associates central. You can use it to build links to your texts and images.

The stripe tool appears at the top of every page on Amazon when you logged in to Amazon through your Amazon Associate account.

Follow the guide on how to create an Amazon affiliate link using stripe tool below.

How to create an affiliate link for text

To create a text link that links to a product you want to promote- go to the product page and click on the text icon. Your tracking ID automatically integrates into the product link.

Then place the link into the text editor of the website. If you have multiple tracking IDs, choose the tracking ID you want to integrate into the product from the drop-down menu.

How to create an affiliate link for images

From the product page, you can create an image link by clicking on the image icon and choosing your preferred size. The tracking ID you use for your text link integrates automatically into the image once you click on it.

To use a different tracking ID, choose it from the drop-down menu and integrate it on the product link.

How to create an affiliate link for a product link box

If you want to create a visual product link box that displays not just text or image, but the product name, corresponding image, and the current price click on the icon text+image.

The product link box will also include the Amazon logo as a CTA – buy button to persuade people to buy. The last tracking ID you use will be automatically integrated into the product link, but you can pick a different tracking ID from the drop-down menu.

How to share your Amazon affiliate link on social media using stripe tool

From the stripe tool, you can easily promote your affiliate link directly to your Facebook and Twitter feed. Just click on the icon of the social media platform.

How to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website

This is a bonus for people that want to learn how to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website. However, you should consider using a website later to scale upwards.

Just like using a blog to make money with an Amazon affiliate, you can also make money with an Amazon affiliate without a website. You can make money with Amazon affiliate without a website through a mobile app, and social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.

Amazon once had Twitter on the list, but it has been removed recently.

Amazon does not support adding affiliate links to emails. However, you can build an email list, to link people to your website.

Learn how to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website below.

Platforms you can use to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website

Mobile App monetization with Amazon affiliate

You can make money with Amazon affiliate without a website through a mobile app.

This is an opportunity for you, to monetize your mobile app as a developer. To use your app to make money with Amazon affiliate, signup to the Amazon associate program and add your mobile app URL. Don’t know how to do this? Go to step 6 on how to start Amazon affiliate marketing.

You can earn Amazon affiliate commissions for every qualifying purchase through the app.

There are three steps to make money with an Amazon affiliate without a website through the app.

  • Identify the products you want to promote: Search for relevant products you want to promote. You can refine your product search according to the target audience persona.
  • API code integration: API code integration is the process of connecting two applications together between the APIs of the two applications. Learn more on how to get the application key and initialize the API
  • Test the app: the last step on how to make money with an Amazon affiliate without a website with a mobile app is to test the app. Test the app by clicking on the MAA links and confirming that the relevant products are promoted.

Asides from the mobile app, you can as well make money with an Amazon affiliate without a website through social media platforms.

How to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website through social media platforms

You can turn your social media platforms into a money-making machine with an Amazon affiliate. Amazon designs a special affiliate program called the Amazon influencers program for people with a good number of followers on social media platforms.

Amazon associates central, on the other hand, is designed for people to make money with Amazon affiliate with a website or mobile app.

Step-by-step guide on how to make money with an Amazon affiliate as a social media influencer

Step one: Choose a suitable social media platform

I will recommend you choose the platform you have the most followers for your Amazon affiliate marketing. That will give you quick results.

Step two: Go to the Amazon influencer program

After deciding on the social media platform to choose, go to the Amazon influencer program to start the process of making money with an Amazon affiliate without a website.

You can use your existing Amazon account to set up your Amazon influencer account, but if you don’t have one, you can create a new account.

If you have an Amazon account, you can click on “use an existing customer account” but for a starter click “on create a new account”.

Even if you have an existing Amazon account, it is preferable to create a separate account for this purpose. However, you will need a different mobile number to create a new account.

Input your legal name, email and untraceable password.

Solve the puzzle for verification.

Then check your mail for OTP for email verification.

After verifying your mail, input your phone number and it will also be verified by an OTP that will be sent to your mobile phone. Right after verifying your phone number, choose the social media platform with the most influence for eligibility.

Step three: Create your Amazon storefront.

After linking your qualifying social media platform to Amazon, it is time to create your Amazon storefront.

Select product categories you want to promote, and then create your profile page.

You can create a personalized shop. It saves you the time of sharing links of different products. One link can take your followers to the products you want to promote.

Learn Amazon Affiliate through YouTube channels

Below are examples of Amazon affiliate YouTube channels. You can learn a thing or two about YouTube Amazon affiliate marketing from these YouTube channels if you want to make money with Amazon affiliate via YouTube

If you are more interested in learning how to make with Amazon affiliate on Facebook, read further.

How to make money with Amazon affiliate on Facebook

This post is for you if you want to make with an Amazon affiliate on Facebook.

The first thing you need to do, to make money with Amazon affiliate on Facebook is to sign up to the Amazon influencer program.

While signing up on the Amazon influencer program, choose Facebook as the social media platform you want to use to make money with Amazon affiliate.

Click on signup.

If you already sign in to Facebook on your browser, you can click continue.

If your Facebook off-activity is turned off, you will be asked to “turn it on” or “not now”.

Click “create a page” if you don’t have a page, otherwise click “next”It is ideal to create a Facebook business page for your Amazon affiliate marketing if you don’t have one yet. You can create a page or group about the products you want to promote.

Instead of spamming your Facebook friends, you can create a page or group to target a particular audience interested in the products you want to promote. Ideally, you should do that before signing up for the Amazon influencer program.

Choose what Amazon influencers are allowed to do with your page.

Then click OK to finish the setup.

Congrats, your Facebook account is linked to your Amazon influencer program. You can repeat the same process for any other social media channel.

After linking your Facebook account to your Amazon influencer program successful, follow the tips below on how to make money with Amazon affiliate on Facebook.

Tips on how to make money with Amazon affiliate on Facebook

  • Use Eye-catching images: Add eye-catching images of products you want to promote to your posts, to grab the attention of your followers.
  • Create high-quality video reviews: You can create high-quality video reviews or tutorials on the products you want to promote.
  • Build trust with your audience: To make money with Amazon affiliate or any other form of affiliate marketing for that matter, building trust is vital. People won’t take your words for it if your words do not mean anything to them. You can build trust with your target audience by showing empathy through your posts.
  • Promote your blog content on Facebook: If you have a blog, you can promote your content on Facebook, to build traffic from outside.
  • Create a Facebook group:  You can create both a Facebook business page and a group to scale upwards. Try to create a Facebook group to increase engagement with your followers. In some cases, the Facebook group performs better in engagements than pages. Facebook group is ideal for having conversations with your audience.

Frequently asked questions on making money with Amazon affiliate

Is it free to be an Amazon Affiliate?

It is free to be an Amazon affiliate. Just signup on the Amazon associates program if you have a website or a mobile app. If you want to make money with an Amazon affiliate without a website, signup on the Amazon influencer program instead, provided you have a qualifying social media platform. Making money with an Amazon affiliate is completely free.

How to become an affiliate marketer?

It is easy to become an affiliate marketer. All you need to do is get a website, pick a niche and find products to promote within that niche on your website. You can also make money with an Amazon affiliate without a website through a mobile app or a qualifying social media platform.

Final words

To make money with Amazon affiliate- you need a website or app, find a profitable niche, and recommend relevant Amazon products to your readers. There are two ways to start making money with an Amazon affiliate. Through Amazon associates central if you have a website or mobile app and an Amazon influencer program for people who wants to make money with Amazon affiliate without a website, but have a qualifying social media platform.

It is free to join an Amazon affiliate, and start earning Amazon affiliate commissions.



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