How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

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Do you want to make a passive income, especially when the world economy has become so unpredictable? I bet the answer is yes. Affiliate marketing is one of the ways you could earn a passive income and become more financially stable. You might want to ask, how do I start affiliate marketing?

This article is a complete guide on affiliate marketing. You will learn what is affiliate marketing and how it workshow to start making money with affiliate marketing for beginnershow to start affiliate marketing with no moneyhow to make money with affiliate marketing without a websitebest affiliate programs to make money such as, Click Bank, etc., and lots more.

Affiliate marketing is helping others sell their product or services. In return, they get a commission on every referral or sale. However, the hard truth is not every affiliate marketer finds it easy with affiliate marketing, and many affiliate marketers do give up.

95% of new affiliate marketers fail, yet 81% of brands rely on affiliate marketing to maintain high revenue. In fact, the affiliate marketing industry is rapidly growing, with $13 Billion expected growth in 2022 and $15.7 Billion by 2024.

The reason people fail in this robust industry is mostly due to starting without the required knowledge. Most beginners were caught in the euphoria of making passive revenue and jumped into it without knowing jack about it – joining the cause without knowing how.

That is the exact reason for this article, which is the A to Z of affiliate marketing. This guide will help you get started with affiliate marketing in the easiest and most convenient way possible. And be among the 5% earning big from affiliate marketing.

In this A to Z affiliate marketing guide, you will learn how to make money with affiliate marketing without a website. You will get to know how to start affiliate marketing with no money and the best affiliate programs to make money such as, Click Bank, etc.

The article will also feature the best examples of affiliate marketing websites that already make good money with affiliate marketing. You can learn a thing from them to start yours.

Let’s get started

What is Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work

Affiliate marketing is a process that allows publishers (people like you) to earn a commission by promoting or selling advertisers’ or retailers’ products or services.

In other words, affiliate marketing is simply connecting the sellers of certain products or services with the buyers. You earn a commission in return for every sale of the product or service.

The process is usually done through various affiliate programs or networks such as Amazon and Click Bank.

Affiliate programs like Constant Contact allow you to earn a commission for each referral that signups for a free trial. And you get an additional $105 when a referral activates the full account; Affiliate programs, like Fiverr, and Blue Host, reward affiliate marketers for lead generation.

Commissions are mostly a certain percentage of the sale price. But in a few cases, it can be a fixed amount. While the sale is the outcome of affiliate marketing, some affiliate programs like Google Adsense and Infolinks allow you to monetize your website with pay per clicks. Other affiliate programs you can join are listed in the best affiliate programs to make money.


Why Affiliate Marketing

Low risks and low cost: Starting a business, for instance, comes with risks and costs. For affiliate marketing – you just need to set up a blog and include a few affiliate links. That is how to start making money with affiliate marketing for beginners.

That is the secret of top bloggers like Ryan Robinson, who makes approximately $50,000 every month.

That being said, blogging is not the only platform to make money with affiliate marketing.

You can also make money with affiliate marketing through social media platforms and forums. You will learn more about these – how to make money with affiliate marketing without a website and – how to start affiliate marketing with no money.

Less time consuming: Another benefit of affiliate marketing is that it is less time-consuming than other marketing efforts. You can earn good money with affiliate marketing from the comfort of your home.

It is easy to scale: What makes affiliate marketing more interesting than other marketing niches like salesperson is that it is easy to scale. As an affiliate marketer, you can promote products from different brands and earn commissions on all of them.


How Does Affiliate Marketing Work

Affiliate marketing begins with signing up on one of the best affiliate programs to make money –, Click Bank. You will receive an affiliate link from the affiliate program or merchant.

The affiliate link, which you will publish on your website or any other publishing platform, tracks the publisher responsible for the sale.

Your job is to persuade people to click on the affiliate links on your website or any other platform – in return, earn a commission.

When someone clicks on that link, it stores a cookie on the user’s computer or any other device as the user engages the web browser.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a text file with small blocks of data that are used to identify a computer network.

Here is What the Affiliate Link Cookie Does:

  • It helps the merchant identify the publisher responsible for the sale, so you can earn your commission and make money with affiliate marketing.
  • It allows you to be paid even if a buyer delays the purchase.

To make money with affiliate marketing, especially through the website, you have to be familiar with keyword research. There are keywords your target audience is typing into Google, find and integrate them into your blog to generate organic traffic.

The more traffic you generate to your website, the better your chances of making sales from the affiliate links you embed on your blog. Also, ensure to post content to your website and social media regularly. This is important for more leads, SEO, increased traffic, and better engagement.

As required by Federal Trade Commission (FTC), it is important you create a standalone disclosure page on your blog that indicates the fact that you are a participant in an affiliate program.

Here is an example:




How to Start Making Money with Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

Though, the first section of this guide – what is marketing and how it works has introduced you to how to start making money with affiliate marketing for beginners. Whatever you learned is just the tip of the iceberg.

This is the real deal going forward. In this section, you will learn how to start making money with affiliate marketing for beginners.

Let’s get started.


Step 1: Choosing a Publishing Platform

There is no limit to “where” you can do affiliate marketing, including blogging, email list, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

Even word-of-mouth works. For instance, if you discover a nice product on Amazon; recommend the product to a family member, friend, or colleague. The product sits well with the person or meets the person’s needs. Then you tell the person to shop through your link so you could earn a commission.

Now, ask yourself why a friend or family member would make a purchase through your recommendation – trust.

Regardless of the platform, you decide to use for your affiliate marketing, building trust is key how to start making money with affiliate marketing for beginners

That being said, word-of-mouth is not enough to realize your financial goals with affiliate marketing. You need hundreds to thousands of people clicking on your link, every minute to make huge money from affiliate marketing. Going online is what can guarantee you such results.

The digital world is your best shot at getting that vast number of audiences, to scale your business. There Are 2.05 Billion Online Shoppers in 2020. 63% of shopping, whether online or brick and mortar begin online.

On average, Google controls 3.8 million searches per minute across the globe. 90% of people discover new brands or products through YouTube. 70 percent of shoppers count on Instagram for their next purchase. Facebook has 2 billion users.

Furthermore, Approximately 65% of affiliate marketers generate traffic through blogging. Social media is currently used by 67.32% of all affiliate marketers for their affiliate marketing campaigns. You have the statistics; now use them to your advantage, to start making money with affiliate marketing.

There is no rule that says you can only use one platform for affiliate marketing. You can combine different publishing platforms toward your affiliate marketing goals.

However, is relatively easier to build trust with the audience through blogging than through any other platform. That is the reason 65% of affiliate marketers generate traffic through blogging according to Findstack. It costs just a few bucks to run a blog. Most importantly, ensure to optimize your blog for SEO ranking.

But, you can use social media to promote your blog and gain traffic. It is easier to drive traffic to your website from your social media than drive traffic to the product or service you are promoting from social media. You can also promote your blog on forums like Quora and Reddit.

Blogging allows you to display your authority freely about the subject matter with long-form content that includes videos and pictures.

As a blogger, you can as well generate income from Google Adsense. You can place Google Adsense links on your website alongside your affiliate links. This does not violate the Google Adsense policies. In the case of Adsense, you earn a commission when someone clicks on the link.

Another platform that can give you similar results as blogging is YouTube. You can start a YouTube channel on your niche of interest.

For instance, you are conversant with tech. You can base your YouTube channel on tech products review. It will help more if you have a firsthand experience with the products you want to review.

No worries, if you don’t have the products at your disposal. You can go ahead to discuss the product on YouTube as if you own it – this means you will need to do thorough research on the product.

Ensure to optimize your video title for organic traffic. Most importantly, make sure the video is high quality. Moreover, asides from earning a commission from Amazon, you can also earn money from YouTube depending on the number of views and subscribers. So, it is a win-win for you.

The same applies to blogging. Best examples of affiliate marketing websites like PCMag purchase the product and provide SEO-optimized review content on it. PCMag with annual estimated revenue of $22.6m according to Growjo has the resources to do that.

You can start affiliate marketing by writing honest SEO-optimized review articles on products within your niche, with some level of authority until you reach the level of PCMag. Then you too can start purchasing the products and write reviews on them.

Focus on products and services that will improve either the life or productivity of your readers or viewers.

Ensure to add a disclaimer on your YouTube or blog that you are earning a commission on every purchase they make through your affiliate link.


Step 2: Choose a Niche

To scale your affiliate marketing business, you should target a particular audience specifically that might have an interest in clicking the link. Try not to target random people by writing on everything under the earth. You can’t scale your business with that approach.

Choose a niche and let the world know you as an expert in that niche through the publishing platform you choose. If you know a jack about finance, then start creating content on finance, and include affiliate links to financial affiliate programs.

When choosing your niche, you need to be aware of competitors. There are multiple bloggers or YouTubers probably creating content around that niche. How can you know that? Go to Google and type in your niche of interest, check how many contents are there already, and see if you stand a chance.

As a rule of thumb, choose a niche that can give you high traffic, but relatively low competition. If need be, niche down. For instance, instead of focusing on the tech industry as a whole, you can focus on PC and smartphones. That will aid your visibility and promotion.

Most importantly, make sure you post high-quality and original content regularly.

If you are going to outsource the writing, make sure you hire someone knowledgeable on the niche. Regardless of the niche you choose, you will find affiliate programs that connect with that niche.


Step 3: Find Suitable Affiliate Programs

Affiliate programs are divided into three categories:

  • High-paying, high-traffic affiliate programs
  • High-paying, low-traffic affiliate programs
  • Low-paying, high-traffic affiliate programs


High-Paying, High-Traffic Affiliate Programs

High-paying and high-traffic affiliate programs are affiliate programs that guarantee high traffic and high commissions. Suffice to say, this is not the average product review. This is real work.

An example of high-paying, high-traffic affiliate programs is the credit card niche. The big Affiliate marketers in this industry make six figures per month. The industry is worth US$3.32 trillion per year.

All you need to do is promote credit cards. However, the credit card niche is highly competitive. In fact, affiliate marketers in this niche engage in spamming to scale upwards.

That is the reason credit card affiliate programs like American Express, which offer up to $200 per sale, only pay affiliate marketers for approved applications and not just submitted applications.

Other best examples of affiliate programs for the credit card niche include the USAA Credit Cards affiliate program for active or retired military personnel, searching for a mainstream card.

Others include the Scotiabank affiliate program. Capital Bank affiliate program, and Upgrade credit card affiliate program. Signup for any of these credit card affiliate programs and get started.

As earlier mentioned, this is a highly competitive affiliate program meant for professionals. However, if you can help people with information that can improve their finances, you can venture into this niche. It has high volume and it is high paying.

Nerd wallet is one of the best examples of affiliate marketing websites in this niche. You can visit the website to get ideas.


High-Paying, Low-traffic Affiliate Programs

High-paying, low-traffic affiliate programs are affiliate programs that guarantee high pay but have low volume. The best affiliate programs to make money in this category are affiliate programs for businesses like ConvertKit, Mailtag, Getgist, Amocrm, and SEMRush.

Web hosting affiliate programs like Kinsta, Shareasale, Hostinger, and Getflywheel are also among the best affiliate programs to make money in this category.


Low-Paying, High-Traffic Affiliate Programs

This kind of affiliate program comes with a low commission, but the traffic is high, and it is easy to target the audience. Amazon affiliate programs fall into this category.

You can earn up to 10% commission on every sale you make. The beauty about Amazon affiliates is that you can earn a commission on the entire purchase made through your affiliate link.


Step 4: Create a Good Content

Next on how to start making money with affiliate marketing for beginners is creating good content. After picking a niche, and choosing your affiliate program, the next thing is creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience and relates with your affiliate link naturally.

For instance:




Check the best examples of affiliate marketing websites to get more ideas on how to write good content for affiliate marketing.


Step 5: Promote Your Content

You can promote your content by sharing it on your various social media platforms. In turn, generate traffic to your content from outside.

You can as well promote your content through inbound links by guest posting. Guest posting is publishing content on a popular website in your industry. You can include inbound links on the guest post. An inbound link is a link that directs readers from another website to your website. It is a form of off-page SEO.

Most importantly, your content must be SEO-friendly to the core for organic traffic. Try to do your keyword research before creating content, and insert the keywords in the content where it is meaningful.

Another way you can promote your content is through paid ads. PPC ads and social media ads are not just for promoting products and services. You can also use it to promote your content.

PPC stands for Pay per click i.e. you are charged per every click on your ad. Social media ads are less expensive compared to PPC ads. Social media ads help to promote content in form of sponsored posts.

Are you wondering if you can do affiliate marketing with no money? Obviously, blogging, and running ads requires money. Yes, you can start affiliate marketing with no money. Learn how to start affiliate marketing with no money below.

Let’s get into it


How to Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money

The difference between making money with affiliate marketing with money and how to start affiliate marketing with no money is the publishing platform.

The typical process for affiliate marketing does not change with how to start affiliate marketing with no money. It also requires picking a niche and choosing suitable affiliate programs. The publishing platform is the difference.

Blogging is not for you if you want to start affiliate marketing with no money, but you should consider it later in the business to help you scale upwards.

Publishing platforms that can help start affiliate marketing with no money include social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram), and forum-based sites such as Quora and Reddit.


Social Media Platforms

68% of affiliate markers use social media platforms to promote their products; you too can.

There is a two-process for doing affiliate marketing with social media platforms.

  1. Create attention by creating value with free content. Ensure to create mostly unpopular content about your niche.
  1. Capture value with a product or service. This is when you can start adding your affiliate link to your content.


Note: the time between (1) and (2) is not fixed. It can be one week, two weeks, or a month. It depends on the duration it will take you to build trust with your audience.

Oftentimes, your audience will be the one requesting a link to the product or service you mention in the content, in relation to the niche.

Let’s say your niche is website development. You can’t discuss website development without mentioning web-hosting services. Your target audience, at a point, will ask, if you could recommend less expensive web hosting services.

That shows the first process is working and you are already building trust with your audience.

It also signals it is time to start making money with affiliate marketing with no money. This two-way process is applicable to all social media platforms.


  • Facebook

There are 2.936 billion people on Facebook, which means you can reach a larger audience on Facebook. However, it is less attractive to young users, which makes it a bad organic reach for that demographic.

Post relevant information about your niche regularly on your Facebook page. You can as well create a group on Facebook where you could reach out to your target audience.


  • Instagram

There are 1.386 billion active users on Instagram. You can reach a large audience on Instagram too, but it has low organic reach for feed posts. You can also engage your audience through reels and stories.


  • Twitter

Twitter is a microblogging platform where you can easily build an audience around a niche. On Twitter, people can know you, for one thing, be a website developer, tech guru, health and wellness coach, etc.

You can leverage the 330 million monthly active users to build your affiliate marketing business with Twitter.


  • LinkedIn

Like Twitter, you can as well build a name for yourself on LinkedIn. However, LinkedIn is a platform for professionals, and for mostly B2B (business-to-business) audiences.

LinkedIn is a good platform to market products and services that can help businesses, companies, and professionals scale up their business. There are 830 million members with over 58 million registered companies


  • YouTube

There are 2.6 billion active users on YouTube. You sure have a good amount of people to reach. The downside of YouTube is that you will face stiff competition with already established YouTubers in your niche.

So, you might want to niche down and apply SEO to optimize your videos. Also, make sure your videos are high quality.


  • TikTok

If you want to target Gen Z, your best bet is to go to TikTok. Unlike YouTube, TikTok does not require that professional outlook. TikTok feels more personal and authentic. The downside of TikTok is that links in descriptions are not clickable.


Forum-Based Sites

People are seeking answers on forums such as Reddit and Quora related to your niche or industry. Use that opportunity to promote your affiliate links.

Ensure to be active on your social media platforms and forums. You need to dedicate your time and effort to making money with affiliate marketing. 


Email List

Another method how to start affiliate marketing with no money is by building an email list of your target audience. Although some affiliate programs do not support adding affiliate links to your email, it is a good way to build trust in your audience.

With email marketing, you can freely interact with your target audience on a personal level. Engage your target audience with industry reports, latest products, and freebies. If you have a blog, you can include links to your blogs.

You can build an email list without a website through guest blog posts, referrals, social media, personal contacts, and forums.


Tips on How to Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money


Create Good Content 

The content you can create on the social media platforms ranges from tutorials, QQs and As, tips and tricks, product reviews, How To’s, latest trends, and Tutorials. Make sure the content is high quality. Also, keep in mind SEO, especially for YouTube. Add affiliate links into your description and include a disclaimer.


Prioritize Interaction with Your Audience

The second tip on how to start affiliate marketing with no money is prioritizing interaction with your audience. Respond to chat, messages, and replies as soon as possible.

This will create an impression that you care about your target audience.

It might also increase your engagement for other posts. When you have many engagements on your posts, it signals to the algorithm that your post is valuable and it is worth boosting for other people to see it.


How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing without a Website

Though you should get a website at one point in your affiliate marketing business to scale upwards, you can make money with affiliate marketing without a website.

Instead of a website, you can use social media platforms and forum-based sites as your publishing platform. However, the publishing platform does not come first on a scale of preference for affiliate marketing.

Choosing a niche and compatible affiliate program comes first before deciding on the platform to use, to promote your affiliate links. Learn more about how to pick the best niche and affiliate programs on how to start making money with affiliate marketing for beginners.

There are different social media platforms you can use to promote your affiliate links, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok. You can decide to run paid promotions on applicable social media platforms to boost the visibility of your content, in return, generate huge sales for you.

If you have difficulty in choosing the perfect social media platform for your affiliate marketing consider reading how to start affiliate marketing with no money.

You can as well scale your affiliate marketing business by using forum-based sites like Reddit and Quora, to answer questions related to your industry. Then use that opportunity to promote your affiliate links. This means you need to be active on forum-based sites, as well as on social media platforms.

The most important factor in how to make money with affiliate marketing without a website is building trust on any of the social media platforms you choose as your publishing platform, whether Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, or TikTok.


Tips on How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing without a Website

  • To make money with affiliate marketing without a website, start by opening accounts on social media platforms or forum-based sites if you haven’t already.
  • Post content regularly on the platform to build trust with your audience.
  • Be active regularly on the platforms.
  • Always be ready to respond to your target audience, replies, chats, etc.
  • Most importantly, be known for one niche. If you want to be known as a tech guru, make sure your post is about tech. Try not to delve into other topics like politics. Just post about tech.
  • Lastly, as a social media, forum-based site, or even website affiliate marketer, money should not be your focus, but empathy. The reason people are looking for validation to purchase a product or service is to avoid purchasing the wrong product or service. So, start affiliate marketing with empathy, and money will follow.


If you need the inspiration to start affiliate marketing, the best examples of affiliate marketing websites outlined below will give you the much-needed inspiration to start. 


6 Best Examples of Affiliate Marketing Websites

If are looking for an idea on how to start making money with affiliate marketing for beginners, these best examples of affiliate marketing websites can you give the right mojo to start making money with affiliate marketing?


Example #1

PC Magazine

PCMag is one of the best examples of affiliate marketing websites in the technology niche. The website provides the latest news and trends from the technology space.

The affiliate-marketing website also provides independent reviews on products and services, to help people make good buying decisions. They include consumer electronics, business technology, and computing.

The company started as a print edition in 1982 before starting publications online in 1994. According to Growjo, PCMag’s estimated annual revenue is currently $22.6M per year. The company has 93 employees.


Example #2

Wire Cutter

Wire cutter is a product review/recommendation website owned by the New York Times. The New York Times bought it in 2016 from wire cutter founder Brian Lam in 2011 for $30m.

They review products in different categories including tech, home, garden, sleep, and kitchen, Wire cutter has annual estimated revenue of $42.2M per year and 158 employees.

If you also want to be a product review writer on different categories, you can take ideas from Wire cutter. The company is affiliated with Amazon, Home Depot, and Target.


Example #3

Sky Scanner

Sky scanner is one of the best examples of affiliate marketing websites for service providers. This shows that affiliate marketing does not have to be about promoting products. It can also be about helping people make the best deals on important needs.

Sky scanner is a website for flight booking, finding hotels, and car hire. The company earns commission from the hotels, car rental companies, and airlines it recommends or lists. It is based in Edinburgh Scotland. The website is available in 30 languages and 100 million people per month utilize it.

The site lists the best deals for its visitors, and that is the reason many people visit the website monthly.

Sky scanner estimated revenue is $227M per year and the company has 1118 Employees according to Growjo. 


Example #4


Finder is a UK’s growing comparison site, and one of the largest affiliate-marketing websites. It is available in other countries too. The company offers comparison details of insurance, electricity, savings credit cards, mortgages, travel, online shopping, mobile/cell phones, internet providers, etc. The company has an estimated revenue of 104.2 million US dollars with 641 Employees. 


Example #5

Your Dream Coffee

Your dream coffee makes the list of the best examples of affiliate marketing websites for several reasons. First, Jeffery, the owner of the website chose a passionate niche, and that is helping people have the best cup of Joe.

You won’t run out of content if you choose a passionate niche. Creating content regularly won’t be a burden. You will love what you do.

Secondly, the coffee niche is not very popular yet the website has 62.9k organic search traffic. That is a huge success for a website launched last year. This means you can choose a less popular niche yet generate good traffic.

Thirdly, original images of the author are used. This can help promote the website on search engines according to Google’s product review update. Google will consider product review websites that provide evidence such as audio, visuals, or other links that demonstrate their experience using the products.

In other words, Google will promote product review websites that include real-life images than websites packed with Amazon images. Besides, this helps to build trust with your readers. It creates the impression you have actually tested and used the product.

For a beginner, you may not have the resources to purchase the product and review it. But you can write honest review articles on products during thorough research. Try to be honest with your audience that the review is majorly from research and not experience.


Example #6


NerdWallet has become a household name over the years since 2009 for reliable financial information on credit cards, investing, mortgages, banking, travels, student loans, etc.

Nerdwallet earns a commission on every signup from their recommended financial institutions including banks and mortgage lenders.

The affiliate market website may look simple; it generated 379.6 million USD in revenue in 2021. If you think you can do something similar to NerdWallet – offering expert advice on finance tools, you have an opportunity to earn six figures monthly as an affiliate marketer.


12 Best Affiliate Programs to Make Money

Every affiliate-marketing website or affiliate marketer partners with affiliate programs to make money with affiliate marketing. Below are the best affiliate programs to make money. You can affiliate with any of these programs and start making money with affiliate marketing.


Amazon Associates

Through Amazon associates, you can earn a commission on every purchase made through your Amazon affiliate link.

Commission: Commission rate is not fixed – it depends on the product category. Learn more about Amazon commission rates.

Similar to Amazon Associates is Target – you can earn up to 8% per sale when you promote products on Target. eBay too also calls for a partner network, which you can join and start making money.

You can also check out the Wal-Mart affiliate program. You can also earn a commission on every qualified sale you refer with Home depot.

According to Google’s recent product review update, Google promotes websites that recommend more online sources for people to shop for recommended products like Wire Cutter.


Cookie duration: 24 hours


Click Bank Affiliates

Click bank helps businesses expand their reach as the company helps businesses sell their products through its affiliate network. You too can join the click bank affiliate network. According to click bank, you can earn up to $150 per sale. Click bank has paid $5B in commissions with 4000+ marketplace products.


Cookie duration: 60 days


CJ commission

CJ commission works to promote products from different companies across the globe. You too can become part of the platform to make money with affiliate marketing. Affiliates are paid based on their value.


Cookie duration: 30 days



Impact features different brands looking to work with affiliates. As an affiliate marketer, you are spoiled for options with over 1,000 brands under different niches featured on impact.


Cookie duration: 24 hr to 7 days 



ShareASale is one of the best affiliate programs to make money. That’s due to its simple application process, which makes it easier for beginners to use the platform and make money with affiliate marketing.


Cookie duration: 12 months



Flexoffers is also one of the best affiliate programs to make money for beginners. You can start making money with affiliate marketing by promoting products and services on FlexOffers, under different categories. They include sports, travel, business, etc. FlexOffers do not have a fixed commission for affiliates – it varies.


Cookie duration: varies


Rakuten Advertising

Rakuten affiliate program is considered one of the best affiliate programs to make money because it is easy to use for a beginner.

As an affiliate marketer with Rakuten, you have the opportunity to promote top brands across industries, from financial services to fashion and more.


Cookie duration: N/A 


ACE Hardware

ACE Hardware is one of the best affiliate programs to make money in tools and home improvement. If you are conversant with tools and home improvement, you can partner with ACE hardware. And earn a commission on every purchase made through your ACE hardware affiliate link. Read the FAQ to know how the program works.


Cookie duration: 30 days


Blue Host

Blue host is one of the best affiliate programs to make money in the category of web hosting. If your niche relates to web development, you might want to consider promoting blue host to your target audience. Blue host offers good hosting plans at reasonable prices for various web needs including WordPress. Blue host offers $65 for every qualified hosting purchase.


Cookie duration: 90 days


Tailor Brands

Tailor Brands offers services business owners need to grow their business. The services include logo making, creating social media content, branding packages, and publishing digital business cards. The tool can also help businesses form LLCs. You can earn up to $100 per sale with the Tailor Brands affiliate program.


Cookie duration: 30 days



ConvertKit provides lead generation and email marketing solutions to bloggers, YouTubers, podcasters, and course creators. You can join the ConvertKit affiliate program, and earn a 30% commission for every person that signup up through your affiliate link.


Cookie duration: 90 days 



SEMrush is the leading SEO tool for keyword ranking, keyword research, and search engine optimization. This is an important tool for business owners and bloggers.

If your niche relates to this affiliate program, you can sign up for the affiliate program, and earn $200 for every Semrush subscription sale, $10 for every new trial, and $0.01 for every new signup.


Cookie duration: 120 days


You have read the guide and want to start affiliate marketing, but you are wondering how fast can you make money with affiliate marketing. Get your answers below.


How Fast Can You Make Money with Affiliate Marketing?

“How fast can you make money with affiliate marketing,” is a popular question among beginners after learning about affiliate marketing.

How fast can you make money with an affiliate depends on the amount of effort you are ready to put into it. Realistically, you can start seeing significant results between 6 months to one year.

So, to answer the question – how fast can you make money with affiliate marketing? You can start making good money with affiliate marketing from 6 months to one year if you are consistent in creating value for your target audience plus engaging in the process of making money with affiliate marketing, which has been discussed in detail in this article.

Be consistent in creating good content for your target audience and prioritize interacting with them.

In the beginning, it may seem like a waste of time, but don’t give up. Keep following the process diligently, and in no time you will see significant results.

Bonus tip – to make money fast with affiliate marketing, don’t focus on the money. Focus on empathy. Prioritize helping people get the right information they need to purchase a service or product. Then recommend a good source for them to get the product or service, in return, you earn a commission.

That is how to build trust with your target audience, and that is how to make money with affiliate marketing very fast.

Final Words

How to make money with affiliate marketing is straightforward, but requires consistency and hard work. Pick a good niche and partner with good affiliate programs related to that niche. Consistently create good content for your target audience with SEO in mind. The essence of content creation is to build trust, once you achieve that, the sky is the limit. While a website is necessary for affiliate marketing, you can start affiliate marketing without a website. You can use social media platforms, or forum-based sites instead. That said, you should try to transition to a website later in the business to scale upwards. You can even start affiliate marketing with no money. So, the only thing that can stop you from earning a passive income with affiliate marketing even while you sleep is you.

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