How Do People In Dubai Have So Much Money?

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Whenever you know someone from Dubai there is that Richie Rich vibe. So, is everyone in Dubai a billionaire? Are all the people in Dubai rich because of its oil? How these people are so wealthy? Have you ever wondered how Dubai is so rich? If you’re thinking about these questions, you’re not the only one. A lot of us have wondered the same but none has ever explained the reality of cha-ching in Dubai! If you have ever wondered how the people in Dubai have so much money, then well here’s one spoiler alert for you. It’s not all oil. Oil was discovered only half a century ago in Dubai so what accounts for all the bling? Keep reading to finally solve this mystery.

How Dubai Is Rich?

Did you know that Dubai Airport is the world’s number one busiest airport? It is surprising that a former small metropolis with as many as 800 residents turned into the world’s most luxurious city. From being a mini pearling and fishing hub to the city of riches and wonders, the journey of Dubai is interesting. As opposed to the popular myth, the riches of Dubai do not come from UAE’s petroleum. In fact, the oil reserves of Dubai are less than that of Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE. As per their official website, 95% of the economy of this city is based on non-oil avenues. There are a couple of reasons why it is so:

1-    Tourism

Tourism is one of the reason why Dubai is so rich

Tourism contributes to nearly 20% of Dubai’s GDP! In fact, Dubai is one of the places leading the world tourism industry. Are you wondering what’s there to see in the city built on sand dunes? The eye-catching infrastructure of Dubai hosts some of the most mesmerizing buildings including the tallest man-made tower! It offers the best fine dining experience with global cuisines available in the exquisite ambiance of eateries. It carries a hint of seduction with its lavish Arabian aura with a futuristic lifestyle experience. With downtown Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, Dubai Mall, and the Dubai fountain, this city offers the most indulging experience for tourists.

2-    Business

Which brands are not interested to expand this value chain in the global marketplace via Dubai? Entrepreneurs, new start-ups, and established brands idealize Dubai for investment primarily because it offers the political and economic stability that businesses need to grow and prosper. Brands prefer Dubai not only because of its free zones and relaxed customs duties but also because unlike other middle Eastern countries Dubai offers 100% business ownership.

Businesses do not have to partner with indigenous stakeholders and share business ownership with anyone. Also because of its vicinity with CARs and reach to Asia and beyond, it is an ideal sight to appeal to a global consumer base. Furthermore, Dubai hosts a number of foreign expatriates, and every day it has millions of visitors. Did you know that Dubai Airport connects to as many as 240 global destinations? This means Dubai is the hub for multitudes of people with purchasing power due to the living standards of Dubai which offer a great target market for businesses to flourish and succeed in Dubai.

High-Income Jobs In Dubai

If you are interested to find out how people in Dubai are so rich, look at the highest-income jobs available in this city of extravaganza.

1-    Marketing Director

Well, entrepreneurs and new start-ups are looking for innovative and creative minds to penetrate their brand name in Dubai. Therefore, Dubai offers one of the best and highest-paying jobs in the marketing niche such as a Marketing Executive or Marketing Director. If you have a curious mind, a marketing background, and great ideas, you’d be able to score a good job in Dubai and enter its elite workforce!

2-    Captain/ Pilot

Dubai’s airport is the busiest airport in the world. In the first half of the previous year alone, the passenger traffic at Dubai airport was 28 million! Furthermore, this airport is the most common connecting route for global destinations. With such a massive expansion in the aviation industry, there is a high demand for experienced and skilled pilots. Given Emirates operates the record highest flights that are long distances from Dubai, the demand for pilots in Dubai is high.

3-    Chief Financial Officer CFO

With the amount of FDI Dubai is attracting, there is bound to be a massive surge in demand for finance experts! Especially for a very responsible and demanding post of CFO for modern-era businesses functioning in Dubai, the post comes with an attractive compensation package that may include, among other perks, paid global traveling for business expansion purposes. If you have a degree in finance and a dream to wear suits, have a blue-tooth earpiece, and an adventurous soul that thrives for adrenaline through risk-taking, you’re just what Dubai corporate sector needs!

4-    Legal Officer

With the massive construction boom and inflow of FDI, Dubai’s judicial system requires an experienced lawyer who has mastered the legal aspects of UAE and who knows the Arabic language. Labor law, Commercial Law, Corporate Law, and Contract Law are the most demanding fields in Dubai at the moment with the great pay scale. You can have a promising legal career in Dubai if you start as an associate and ascend the corporate ladder with an annual income of approx. 2 million USD!

How To Make Money In Dubai?

If you want to be rich in Dubai, it is not necessary for you to start a high-investment business. Some side hustles in Dubai can give you a decent kick start so that you can enjoy the luscious lifestyle while being independent and not living a salary-to-salary compromised life. Here are some side hustle ideas for you to know how people in Dubai are so rich!

1-    Digital Marketing

From SEO to affiliate ads, there are numerous businesses in Dubai that require in-budget digital marketers to promote their business. Perhaps their skill set does not match their requirement, but their budget allows them to hire freelance creative marketers for their brands to be visible amongst the bling of Dubai! Therefore, your digital marketing career can kick start with a few such projects that bring you decent money and a ton of experience to make you quickly climb that corporate ladder. You can also start your career in advertising just like Chandler Bing. A google digital marketing certification, SEO expertise, and knowledge of keywords and targeting could get you started!

2-    Content Creation/ Blogging/ Vlogging

earn money in Dubai via vlogging

This age is the age of Numbers. The number of likes, subscribers, and shares can change your life. You can start earning from digital media by monetizing your content. Dubai is a tourist hub with a number of events, places, and a lot of topics for content creation. Who knows your career in PR begins in Dubai. Just select a niche for example fashion or tourism and start blogging or vlogging on social media. Earning and entertaining simultaneously, content creation could make your life glamorous in Dubai! Make that blog go viral! Consistency is the key.

3-    Tutoring

The world has moved beyond face-to-face tutoring to e-learning platforms where people teach courses online. Online tutors are in high demand in Dubai for students at colleges and Universities. If you have an academic background and you are looking for a side hustle where you invest a couple of hours in exchange for high payment, then tutoring is for you! The students in Dubai are looking for guidance, skill development, or concept clarity. You can charge on a per hourly basis and earn good money.

4-    Virtual Assistant

While Alexa may be the hype globally, the busy and complex schedule of Dubai entrepreneurs requires a judicious assistant to keep them on tabs to all their commitments and actual life. Therefore while as sophisticated as it can get, AI assistants may not suffice for the needs of Dubai elites, and they require a virtual assistant. With excellent organizational and administrative skills, you can earn good money by being a virtual assistant to a busy UAE entrepreneur!


The answer to the question of How People In Dubai Are So Rich in conclusion is that Dubai is a happening city with economic stability, the world’s FDI inflow, and great opportunities. It is not only the petroleum or construction industry that offers great opportunities to people. The economy of Dubai supports a myriad of industries and thus generates millions of high-paying job opportunities. People enjoy its high quality and top-notch lifestyle because there are plenty of avenues for them to earn and invest. Therefore, the money keeps flowing! It’s the richness of life in Dubai with trade as its epicenter that makes Dubai offer the dream of jobs and appreciates diversified talent. You can be the next rich person living in Dubai with your talent and skills as long as you manage to score the right job for you! Viva La Dubai!

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