How can 12-year-olds make money online?

ways for 12-year-olds to make money

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Perhaps you are wondering how 12-year-olds can earn money by themselves. But you need to worry not because we got you covered. There are many incentives in earning money at a young age. Most importantly, being able to earn their own money can be a great teaching tool because it will help kids understand personal responsibility and the value of hard work. In the US, children under the age of 14 are not allowed to work in the majority of regular jobs. It does not imply, however, that children as young as 12 cannot work and earn money. They only need a little creativity and perseverance to figure out the right course of action. 

There are a number of ways and opportunities for 12-year-olds to earn money for themselves. We will discuss several methods in which these kids can earn a good amount of money for themselves with little or no prior experience or assistance required. 

1. Tutoring 

You can provide tutoring services online via Zoom or Skype and help out other students in the subjects that you excel in and earn money for yourself. You can also tutor students who are younger than you. Moreover, tutoring services can also be provided if you have unique talents, such as musical prowess or athletic prowess.

2. Tech Assistance

As we all are aware that children nowadays are far more knowledgeable in the field of technology. As a 12-year-old you can help your parents or grandparents learn about new technology and teach them how to use different gadgets in exchange for payment This will be an easy and quick way to earn money for yourself. If you are comfortable and enjoying providing tech assistance to the elderly you may even ask your elderly neighbors if they need any assistance in order to increase your clientele.

3. YouTube 

You probably already know about YouTube if you are between the ages of 12 and 14, and perhaps you also realize how much money can be made by doing something as simple as making videos. Prior to anything else, you must select a niche for your content (the kind of videos you want to create) and stick with it. Find other creators who produce the same type of content and take inspiration from their editing, tone, and content if you want your video to receive millions of views. You must consistently upload new videos and within months you can generate a good income through AdSense. 

4. Blogging

You can start a blog if you like to write. It need not be about your life; it might be about video games, beauty, clothing, fashion, tutorials, or informative content like how to make money online. You can monetize your blog by using affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and advertising. For 12-year-olds, blogging may be a fun way to earn money. You only need to identify your writing specialty and ensure that you are consistently uploading new material.

5. Streaming

earn money via streaming

If you enjoy watching streamlined live videos on platforms like Twitch, you might want to think of producing your own. This is similar to becoming a content producer. Twitch was created to connect players and content producers through live-streaming video games. Through memberships, business agreements, or contributions from Twitch users, the network may be made profitable. Shroud (Mike Grzesiek), a Canadian Twitch user, originally began playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and is currently one of the most popular and successful streamers in the world. 

6. Sell handmade jewelry

earn money via etsy by making handmade jewelry

You may open an online shop where you can sell handcrafted accessories. Starting a small business online at the age of 12 can be a terrific idea to earn money. Etsy may be a highly effective venue for selling these goods.

7. Sell customized products

Selling customized products is a brilliant idea for running a small business online, although you might require some assistance from a parent. You can enter into a contract with a wholesale company to buy plain t-shirts, mugs, and totes and another contract with a printing company. You can then create the customized designs that you need to print on these products. 

8. Sell digital products

If you are passionate about and enjoy writing stories, you could create and market an electronic book or write and publish your own novels online. On the other hand, if you have a keen eye for design, you can also produce unique artwork or posters on websites like Etsy and sell them at a very good price. Several affordable or free illustration tools are available, including Photoshop and Canva.

9. Online vintage store

Thrifting and vintage outfits are trending nowadays. You may be able to make money selling vintage goods online if you are passionate about all things trendy and can recognize an old pair of Adidas shoes or a pair of Levis’s from the 1980s.

Thrift stores often sell original goods of excellent condition at absurdly low prices. Despite being primarily used, they are still in good condition. They may be washed and pressed, then you can sell them online and earn a profit. Many eBay sellers engage in this activity, and with only one sale, they generate a good profit. This is a fantastic job opportunity for a 12-year-old, albeit you might need some parental support.

10. Online Bakery

If you enjoy baking and your family has a unique recipe, you may turn it into an online business. As a 12-year-old, you will have a fantastic opportunity to explore your passion for baking while earning money from the sale of your baked goods. You should create an Instagram account, and post about your work as a baker, and soon enough, your followers will be interested to place orders to buy your baked specialties.

11. Graphic Designing

If you are proficient in Photoshop, you can create logos and banner ads for various businesses. Most freelancing websites like Upwork and Fiver will offer you to sell your services as a graphic designer to various clients. Once you have mastered the fundamentals of text design it just takes 5 to 10 minutes to create a logo. Just start browsing YouTube for more logo and advertisement samples to increase your expertise and get a creative kickstart. 

12. Social media influencer

As a 12-year-old you can become a social media influencer and you can produce content on any topic you are enthusiastic about such as fashion, gaming, food, books, etc. You will begin receiving brand sponsorships, advertisements, and other possibilities as your account expand. Your parents will need to monitor and manage your social media account or you can even hire a social media manager. 

13. Game-testing

You enjoy playing video games, right? You could then start testing games for a living if you love playing them. As a game tester, you are required to use the applications and offer input to help the developers make adjustments that will improve the launch’s success. Children may sign up for accounts on many websites to test applications and receive payment in return.

14. Babysitting 

You can offer babysitting or pet-sitting services. You can promote these services online in order to expand your client base. If you are confident in your ability to care for children and be responsible for them, you could make a lot of money babysitting, since almost everyone will require one at some point.

15. Sell pre-loved clothes and toys

Any 12-year-old child could sell their old toys, clothing, and gadgets online. They will be able to generate money while learning prioritizes the things that are most valuable to them. You can sell your unwanted belongings on a number of internet marketplaces like Craigslist, Amazon, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, etc.

16. Online surveys 

earn money from online surveys

Many companies provide apps that look for truthful replies to simple questions. The survey’s goal is to provide businesses with more understanding of the demands of a certain population. Many survey websites are made with adults in mind, but there are some that are as interested in hearing from kids. Websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie are good places to look.


As a part of operating their own internet business, it is crucial for your child to understand how to build a budget. It is not necessary for something to be as difficult as it seems. You should encourage your children to develop three categories for their costs: what their supplies will cost, what they may charge for their products or services, and how much money they will make. They may use this to assist them to establish their rates so they are not making a loss. Be sure to account for one-time costs like launching a website or buying Photoshop.

Making money at a young age could be a fantastic opportunity for individuals who are willing to take on responsibility for any career or business. Parents must set the bar and general principles for their children if they want them to understand money and the value of developing a strong work ethic for any career choice. Future business owners must understand both how to make money and how to manage it responsibly.

Several of the aforementioned methods to earn money online would expose a 12-year-old child to innovation, financial freedom, responsibility, and awareness. It will help them develop their skills and identify their long-term ambitions.  

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