How to Save Money on Toilet Paper

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Questioning your expenditure on toilet paper might seem like a joke. However, have you ever calculated the amount of money your family uses on this precious item? Well, you will be surprised. While Toilet paper might appear a small or affordable item, misusing it might create a loophole for losing the money you could have even used to pay those debts.

While other paper products, such as paper towels, have an ideal alternative, toilet paper seems irreplaceable. Innovators have come up with bidet toilet attachment that they claim could cut costs on purchasing toilet paper. However, this could be a drastic measure, and many individuals dislike the idea.

Another option some people are desperate to make is using a washcloth. Of course, some people may use washcloths, but not all would welcome their maintenance demands.

We got excellent tips to save you money on toilet paper without digging deeper into unfriendly options. Read till the end for sure tips and tricks on how to save money on toilet paper.

Which Way Saves More Toilet Paper?

If you are the individual who would stick with toilet paper instead of other unwelcoming options, you could like to know the best tricks to save more toilet paper while fully benefitting from its use. Below are a few tips to help save more toilet paper.

1. Use Less

Reducing the amount of toilet paper you use will cut the cost of this item and significantly save more on it. For instance, you can cut down the amount of toilet paper you and your family have used by half.

2. Do Not Waste Even a Single Piece of Toilet Paper Sheet

Using less is not enough to save you money on toilet paper. Another option to get the most out of the little you will use is to take advantage of the sheet surface area and adapt wipe integrity.

Finding toilet paper with a larger surface area per sheet is recommended. Ideally, folded wad is stronger with enough surface area than the standard, neat fold. Wipe integrity calls for folding the toilet paper rather than scrunching it and making a strong wipe. We aim to use little toilet paper while achieving justifiable cleanliness.

3. Put a Crimp in It

Often, the toilet paper will come off too easy when pulling it. It results in using way too much of what we need. Putting a crimp in that tube can effectively help you save more toilet paper. With the crimp, the toilet paper will roll less available every time you pull it. Eventually, you will use less toilet paper.

4. Ration the Toilet Paper

Are you living with your family or sharing the toilet with your roommates in the same apartment? This measure could be ideal for reducing toilet paper expenditure. Rationing the toilet paper means allotting a particular number of rolls for each person every month.

This will make that individual in your household fond of using excess toilet paper for no good reason to learn to use their share, sparing to last long.

How Long Should a Roll of Toilet Paper Last for One Person?

We might not have a definite answer to this question due to the difference, especially between the male and female genders. Nevertheless, a toilet paper roll lasts for 3 to 4 days for one person. This duration might change depending on various circumstances. A few of the factors that may influence the time of a single roll of toilet paper per person include:

  • Frequency of Using the Toilet

How often you need to use the toilet will also impact the duration of one toilet paper roll. The period between bowel movements will usually vary from one person to the other. Some may have to visit the toilet once or twice a day, with some going up to three days before having a long call.

Of course, this difference will influence the time one toilet paper roll will last from one person to the other. It is also normal to have a short call between 4 to 10 times in one day and night, which will also influence how long each individual will take to finish one roll of toilet paper.

  • Health Conditions

Certain health conditions may force a person to use more toilet paper than average. Conditions such as celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and Crohn’s disease are known to cause diarrhea, resulting in more toilet paper.

  • Type of the Toilet Paper

The type of toilet paper also plays a significant role in determining how long you will use one roll of toilet paper. Various toilet papers in the market come with a different number of plies. The plies determine the thickness of toilet paper. Besides, the manufacturers make toilets papers in varying sizes.

A ply consisting of one layer of toilet paper is usually thin, dissolves quickly, and tears easily, which may force you to use more than 2-ply toilet paper. 2-ply, a common type of toilet paper, consists of 2 layers of toilet paper.

Another option that may determine how long you can use your toilet paper is the 3-ply which is made of 3 layers. This toilet paper is thick and soft, probably making you use little toilet paper. However, it had the drawback of clogging toilets.

When we talk about the size, you’ll obviously use the jumbo rolls longer than you can use the standard size.

  • The Purpose of the Toilet Paper

What you will use your toilet for is another factor in determining how long it will last. Apart from the obvious reason of wiping yourself after using the toilet, you may also need to use it for other reasons such as: removing makeup, wiping your nose, picking up dog poop, cleaning the toilet seat, and cleaning glasses.

If you are going to use your toilet paper for any of these reasons, you might see it get used up fast than when using it after using the toilet.

How Many Rolls of Toilet Paper Should My Household Go Through Per Month?

In the scenario above, where the individual used $635 with a family of four in a year, you will find that the individual used two rolls per day. This was when he bought a 12-roll pack of Cashmere toilet paper that contained 280 sheets per roll. With this pace, you could use too much money in a year on toilet paper.

How many rolls of toilet paper to use for a month is ideal for you to save on this item?
If you can spend an amount of money close to $170 on toilet paper per year, you can cut the amount by using fewer sheets on every single long call. For example, if you use 10 sheets, try cutting it down to 7 to 5 to cut it in half.

Additional Tips and Tricks on How to Save Money on Toilet Paper

With a well-planned strategy of using toilet paper, you will appreciate the amount of money you will save over the course of using this item. It’s good you have learned the best practices of sparing toilet paper, how long it should last for one person, how much money the average person spends on the item, and the number of rolls a household can use in a month. This information alone is not enough if you do not implement the best practices.

Below are other tips that might help reduce the amount of money you can use on this precious item.

  • Check the Ply Square Footage

Sometimes, the total sheet count alone might not reflect the toilet paper cost. Check the ply square footage for each toilet paper roll to get the best value out of your package. To find this value, multiply the square footage used by the ply value. For example, if you want to buy 2-ply toilet paper, multiply the square footage by 2. On the other hand, a triple-ply toilet paper’s ply square footage can be calculated by multiplying the square footage indicated on the toilet paper by 3.

With this simple math, you can tell how much you are paying for toilet paper per per-units and the quantity of toilet paper you are really getting.

  • Avoid Buying Toilet Paper at the Grocery Store

If you want to save more on toilet paper, consider restraining yourself from buying it at the grocery store. This is because you will likely pay more for each roll and every square fit due to buying in smaller quantities.

If you opt to buy a generic bulk pack of your toilet paper on Amazon, you will likely save more. This calls for patience or making your order before you entirely run out of your toilet paper.

  • Go the Subscription Way

Suppose you have subscriptions on other items, I bet you will buy this idea of a toilet paper subscription. With a recurring subscription, you will save big from this item compared to when you buy one time.

Various toilet paper vendors offer different subscription discounts. Some offer 5 % for No.2 as some specific amount of money off your first subscription. If you opt for Amazon Subscribe & Save, you may get up to 15% off depending on your subscribed products.

  • Buy in Bulk

If you don’t like the idea of a toilet paper subscription, you can choose to buy in bulk from a warehouse store or bib-box superstore like Target and Walmart, which will similarly save you big money. Buying bulk from a warehouse store like Sam’s Club and Costco will offer you the lowest cost per square foot compared to when you buy small quantities from your grocery store.

  • Take Advantage of Toilet Paper Coupons

Toilet paper coupons are everywhere. You can find the coupons in your local supermarket or big-box circulars. You can also find them on coupon apps like Rakuten and Ibotta. Sometimes you can take advantage of toilet paper manufacturers like Scott and Charmin offer coupons.

The coupons may offer 10 % off or less, but if you use them often, you will save more money on toilet paper.

  • Be Wise with the Marketing

Buying toilet paper, like most brands, can be confusing once you get to the toilet paper aisle without a prior plan. Sometimes, you might find the same toilet paper packaged and named differently. To avoid being tricked into thinking some are better than others, consider the cost and the sheet per roll. Also, find out which type of toilet paper versus its cost. Try to compare a particular type of toilet paper from different brands to find the best deal.

As small and affordable as toilet paper might seem, it can dig deep into your pocket if you take little note of how much you are spending on it. With the above money-saving tips, you can reduce the quantity of toilet paper you use with other people in your household without sacrificing your hygiene and comfort.

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